Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Snap Dollars is working out well for me...

I have been reading e-mails from 3 different websites. ( TikTikcash, Inboxdollars and Snapdollars). This is just one of many "little on-line income sources" I have been using. I am calling them "little", because it is not a huge money maker, but all these "little" amounts really add up! I am about to cash out $25.00 from Snapdollars: It seems to pay more per e-mail than the other two and will send approx 2 e-mails per day. If you want to check it out,click on the banner below.

They will put $5.00 in your account as a bonus for signing up. :)


Anonymous said...
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Tara said...

I have a question for you, i have been doing cash crate, they sent me a check i cashed it, it came back "cannot locate there account" and i got stuck with a 10 fee and no money from them, has this happened to you..what should i do?

Daisy said...

No!! I have never heard of that happening with cash crate. I would suggest checking with their support. Also, they have a forum on the site for questions. I feel really bad for you...let me know what you find out. Could it just be a problem with the bank?? I will see if I can find out anything for you too.

Anonymous said...

Just thought I would let you know that I signed up for Snap Dollars under you...thanks for the suggestion!

Daisy said...

Thanks for signing up! I"m sure you will like Snapdollars!

Unknown said...

can i really trust this site?do they need to know my personal detail?

Daisy said...

This is a very legit site. They will need your address to send your check. :)