Thursday, September 6, 2007

Whats for lunch?

And how much are you spending per day on it? That's what I'm looking at now. I was thinking that I could still eat healthy, without eating expensively. My husband agreed and he has been taking his lunch everyday now instead of picking up something. Huge savings!! I never eat lunch out, but I usually fix something at home that is not exactly, cheap. I tend to eat lots of soy style burgers and microwavable foods, i.e. expensive foods. I decided, since our garden is bursting with tomatos, I could eat an old fashioned tomato sandwich for lunch. Wow, practically free! Or, maybe peanut butter and jelly sandwich's. Not free, but really really cheap. With a banana on the side and water, not the expensive, flavored kind, just plain ole water. I could eat for practicaly nothing! I actually feel better and figure I'm saving about $10.00 per week with these changes.


Amy said...

Good for you! I only work two days a week, and I really enjoy eating out with my friends. I keep thinking I should cut that out to save $$... but I haven't yet.

Anonymous said...

I thought the purpose was to LIVE WELL without spending a lot of money--is easting pb&j everyday and drinking plain water living well?