Saturday, August 25, 2007

More tweaking!!

O.K. maybe I'm slow, but I finally did it. I am now paying all our bills on-line. I actually had to switch banks to one that lets me do this for free. It's not much, but I fiqure it will save me almost $7.00 per month in stamps! Again, not much, but as I have said before, every little bit will help. I feel a bit ridiculous that I hadn't done this sooner. It's so easy! I am going to continue to look at everything that we spend money on and hopefully "find" more money!


Anonymous said...

most places, like phone, electric, cable, will also give you 5 dollars off bill for paying online. check out thier main websites to find out, or call them all.

Daisy said...

Really?? I've never heard of that, but I will check it out!